Friday, June 19, 2009


Now, don't be all jealous and stuff, but we're pretty sure MVJ is teething. Ugh. Poor thing! Mommy's wiped out, Daddy's wiped out and baby's wiped out! So, we don't see any white or feel any bumps like other mommies have told me their children have, but here are our symptoms:

1) cranky
2) puts EVERYTHING in her mouth
3) drool monster
4) seems to be running a very slight fever
5) about at that age
6) rejects her paci
7) teething tablets help

Thank goodness for that last one. Teething tablets are awesome - and homeopathic with "no" side effects (which JJ believes to be impossible). We've also tried a few teething rings. We have a few at home, but they seem so big. Luckily, CLJ happened to have some small rings, and one of them was pink. Well, we just know that won't do for little Mr. ACJ, so little Miss MVJ took it off her hands! She'll suck on it (post refridgeration for coolness), but it doesn't seem to be her favorite thing yet.

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