Friday, June 12, 2009

Current Complaints

When I was an RA, the first part of our staff meetings was devoted to "thorn, rose and bud". We shared with each other one bad thing from the week, one good thing and one goal or thing we were working on. I looked forward to this time of sharing and adapted to my staff when I was a hall director. Heck, I even used it in my classroom and with my summer kiddos last summer. My bud usually centered around some cleaning project (funny how some things don't change!).

If I were to play thorn, rose, and bud today, I would be hard pressed to choose a thorn. Not because I don't have any, but because I have too many to choose from right now! Let's see, there's the yucky cold that is plaguing not only me but my beautiful baby girl. Oh, and the fact that my little monthly buddy decided to show up after a blessed year long retreat. Hmmm, and then there's my whole losing hair complaint. Grrrrr... we actually had to put in one of those covers over our bathtub drain and I literally have to clean it out after every shower. YUCK! What about the stress of choosing a new doctor? Apparently a ton of doctors aren't taking new patients!

Good thing I have a loving baby, husband and family or I might just want to hide for a few days!!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Just think of the "monthly friend" and losing your hair as your body continuing to return to normal after producing another whole human being! Not that it sucks less, but at least the big picture is pretty great!