Thursday, June 25, 2009

Random Update

Ugh, it's been a while again! When I post regularly, I feel like I can just post a short little story at a time, but when I am absent for some time I feel like I have to catch you up to my life! : ) Well, quickly, here's what we've been up to:

*I started working with summer kiddos again this summer! But, this summer I was smart and decided I'd only work with 2-3 kids. So, it's been great so far! JJ and MVJ get some M-Daddy time, I get out of the house, I get to get to know some of the kiddos on my caseload next year and we make a little money! win-win-win-win!

*We started up sand volleyball again. It's a bit trickier with a four - almost five - month older. Good thing she has become bffs with the gal who is the site manager. But, we've also arranged it so either JJ or I can be sitting out at all times. Oh, and we're undefeated... yay!

*MVJ continues to be a cranky little thing. Adding to it is the fact that we are travelling. I've finally figured out that we have to slow down a bit more. Right now, for example, I'm chilling at the hotel room while she slowly wakes up from a glorious nap as the rest of the crew is at the wedding rehearsal.

*Our nephew's getting married! Woohoo! JJ was honored that he was asked to be a groomsman! If you think it's a bit odd that we have a nephew getting married, how about this fact: our niece is pregnant! We're going to be a great aunt and uncle in about six weeks (or two if you talk to her sister!). Yay for babies! LKH (she's already got a name that lucky ducky) will make our trips to Minneapolis that much more special!

Ok... I better actually get dressed for the groom's supper (at our SIL/BIL LC/MC's house). Chi-chi's wearing her pink tu-tu! : )

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