Saturday, August 21, 2010

We did it!

We made it through the first days with kiddos!  Woohoo!  Although my services didn't really begin -- I wanted to let my kids get to know their classmates and teacher, etc. before jumping into pull out time.  I *think* I have my schedule set, as well as have para support figured out where I need it.  Seriously, elementary scheduling is so different from middle school!  Also, from state to state there are definitely different ways of doing things, obviously.

I did get a call from MVJ's daycare Friday afternoon.  I was paged as I was working in a coworker's room and when I called the office back, the principal was on the phone saying my daycare needed to talk to me.  My heart just sunk to the floor.  Was my baby sick?  Did something happen?  I mentally prepared to leave for the rest of the day.  But, bless her heart, the director of the daycare said, "M has a fever.  I want to let you know that I did stick my finger in her mouth and she has two molars coming in.  It's up to you, but I think M would be way less miserable if you could just drop off some baby tylenol."  PHEW!! 

I was so glad she wasn't saying, "She has a fever and needs to leave."  I was so glad it wasn't something more serious.  (Although, man those teeth are terrible!  I thought I'd have a little more time from when her i-teeth recently came in until these next ones!)  I was also so thankful that she's a Mom and seems to just really care about M.  I took a quick trip (it's about two blocks away!) over my lunch and even got to have a little lunch with M.  They were having chicken noodle soup.  Every day M comes home with a note of when she's been changed, what she ate, and what craft activity they did.  I always wondered how the soup went.  Well, I walked in the room and they all had their shirts off with bibs on.... yeah.... that makes a lot more sense now!  It was so tough to leave and M was like, HEY!  When you leave you leave WITH me Mommy!  Poor girl... it was so confusing for her.  But, when I went to pick her up, her teacher reported that she had taken OVER a three hour nap!  Good girl!  She needed that! 

So we have more teeth coming in.  It just seems to rock the boat at our house.  M woke up in the middle of the night, woke up early, has been taking shady naps (where did those three hour ones go?!), and is eating funky.  I wonder now if that's what she was sick from earlier in the week.  Those teeth just mess with the whole body, I tell you. 


Jessica said...

That's awesome that they let her stay. At our previous daycare, fever=go home. Even if it was something just as 'simple' as teething.

JJ and EJ said...

I know... I really love our daycare. I think they do an awesome job. Some new kids were added... and I'm a little nervous her class size is getting bigger, but whenever I pick her up there's always only 3 or 4 other kiddos... Hope things are going well for you and your two (three!) boys! : )