Sunday, August 1, 2010

Adventures in KC

I feel like ALL of my blog posts could be titled this lately!

JJ and I, besides just tasting all of flipping KC, have also been exploring other parts of the city, including some shops, some parks, a golf course or two (ahem, by JJ), his school, our local pool!, etc.

Some favorite finds shop-wise:

I found this super cool, "Recycled Kid" store.  I'm sure not everyone is all about second-hand, but this guy sure is.  In fact, yahoo agrees with me!  They did an article on things you should not buy new and kids clothes was one of them.  Waste of money I tell you.  Sure it's fun to get a few cute things brand spankin' new, but all those other fillers?  Used.  Definitely the way to go.  For example, I picked up a swimming suit (she'll wear a swim diaper anyways!) and dress for 25cents apiece!  Woot!  JJ thinks a pair of Saucony kiddo shoes for $3.00 was my best buy though.  You know... she might turn out to be a major distance runner next year or something...

Farmer's Market Saturday!!  There is a farmer's market that runs forever long (yeah... their seasons for growing things aren't limited by freezing temps in like September and April....) every Saturday morning.  We checked it out this morning.  It was not huge by any means, but it was fabulous nonetheless.  We got some good deals - MVJ adores the cherry tomatoes and JJ is chomping his second slice of "jade" watermelon as we speak.. or I type... you know, whatever.

The rest of the stores we've frequented have been your run of the mill stores - Hy-Vee for groceries, JCPenneys, La-Z-Boy, Michaels, Target (a few times!), and a dozen other home stores that we knew weren't what we were looking for the minute we stepped foot inside and had to restrain MVJ.


Tara said...

I LOVE Picnik too!!! So many neat things you can do on there. Did you layer to get the background and the picture?? i havn't quite figured that out yet. Loved meeting you a couple weeks ago, I REALLY wished we could have visited more, I think we would have so much in common! Maybe after Josh is done with med school you will move to the biz??!! lol!

JJ and EJ said...

Uh... I really have no idea what I did! : ) I chose a new background and uploaded the picture... : ) We could end up back in the Bizzo... you never know... we'll have to keep in touch for sure!