Monday, August 16, 2010

Looong night...

I have not been sleeping well.  I'm sure it's the whole "woah I have a new job and we live in a new place that has new noises" deal, but man, what I wouldn't give for a full night's sleep!  Last night, for example, I woke up about 12:30 and had this song in my head.  This song from MVJ's first music DVD.  The song goes something like this, "Victor Vito and Freddie Vasco, they like to eat slow, they never eat fast..." --- well that was the line that went over and over and over and over and over again in my head.  Blegh!  That happened for, I'd say at least a half of an hour before I finally redirected my brain to greener pastures.  THEN I wrote a new blog post (not this one... but maybe a future one!) AND our Christmas letter.  This was not just any Christmas letter, either.  It had a theme and was more of an essay.  Actually it had a title and everything.  Look for "A Season of Change" coming to your mailboxes with some sort of cute pictures in, oh, four or so months.  Or not.  We'll see if it makes the cut when I get there.  HOPEFULLY not for another oh, three and half or so months!!  Finally I just prayed and begged the living snarf out of God to help me find some rest.  I believe I fell back asleep around 3:00ish and woke up to my alarm in the middle of a very, very random dream.  JJ doesn't believe I remember my dreams in so many details and thinks I make stuff up as I tell him, but seriously, you can't make this stuff up...

I'm typing this as my baby girl has drifted off into a pleasant sleep.  This is a huge sign of good things because after I got home (after a rather late night at school -- Ice Cream Social and CLASS POSTINGS!), MVJ cried for about an hour and then threw up all over herself, me, and her angel (who she wanted back immediately) -- after getting her all cleaned up, it repeated another time and a half (this time over the sink in the bathroom.  My sweet baby girl.  : (   

1 comment:

The Elwells' Weekly said...

So sorry you've been having a hard time sleeping! Praying tonight will be better!

And so sorry to hear about your little girl getting sick! That is the absolute worst! :)