Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just what have we been studying??

Today in science I had made a quick review game so we were playing it. It's called "I have/Who has" and it is the greatest game ever. You dole out cards and the person with the "start card", well, starts by reading the "Who has . . . " message on his or her card. The player whose card matches that says "I have . . . " and then starts the next round by reading the rest of his or her card "Who has . . . " For example: Player One: "Who has the basic unit of all living things?" Player Two: "I have a cell. Who has a group of organs working together to perform a specific function?"

I happen to teach the "co-science" crew. This is the lowest of the low in 7th grade. It's a small class and I have a lot of fun! The other teacher, Mrs. S, and I have been kind of joking a bit that whenever she asks a question, we can hear the crickets. "Who remembers what CO2 is?" cricket. cricket. Anyways, so with this game, we had to be hustling around the room helping kids. Some gave guesses: "I have cells ?? Is that the answer??" and others just started blankly until we said, "Oops, it's your turn!" As the game was underway, one gal in the first category said, "I have orgasm ?? Is that it?" I just shook my head. Then again for another answer, she said, "I have orgasm." This time her card was correct, it just happened to be organism instead. I very carefully corrected her without making eye contact with Mrs. S. I just know we would've both lost it. The other kids didn't even blink. They just don't have a clue, and that is really nice. Because seriously, if this would've been any other class, we would've lost control for a good five minutes.

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Too, too funny.

And that's about the only good thing about crickets - that you can use them as a coping strategy in your classroom.:)