Saturday, March 12, 2011

Quickie Update

So I seriously can't believe I made it through to Spring Break.  Ah-mazing.  God is so great!!  Of course I want to be holding my little man... NOW... so the waiting game is getting me a little anxious.  It's weird to have this open schedule now.  I thought for sure I wouldn't make it to our Church's craft night, for example, Friday night and there I was!  Saturday morning was a friend from Bible Study (SS)'s Baby Shower that I was sure I'd have to miss.  Nope, there with Mads.  Although, really, it was about like missing it.  The Divine Miss M decided that 5 am was a great time to wake up this morning and despite all of my best efforts (including rolling over and trying to just go back to sleep myself --- which really DOES take my best concerted effort these days!!), she would not budge on going back to sleep.

So anyways, 5 am.  We had a fun shower to go to later that day, so I enlisted the help of my awake little girl to help wrap the present and make the card.  She was getting so excited about the whole deal and kept singing, "Happy Birthday new baby!"  Apparently the only parties she goes to are birthday ones!  : )  She even picked out a "party dress" that really was so cute - she was pretty much yellow from head-to-toe.  Our whole morning seemed to shift forward, putting the baby shower, oh, right about nap time.  Glorious.  If I could've I would've left her at home, but Daddy has a midterm Monday morning and needed to study (especially since who knows when I'll go into labor).   

Daddy update: Med School continues to go well.  They wrapped up cardiology and are on to GI.  Exciting.  As JJ was telling my Mom the other day, today was all about poop.  : )  He's getting really sick of all the competitiveness.  No one wants to study together lest they perhaps incidentally help out a fellow classmate.  No one wants to do anything, like play racquetball in the new fancy\-pants workout center, because they are studying nonstop or at least want everyone else to perceive that they are studying nonstop.  I'm just thankful JJ sees the bigger picture and realizes how important a little downtime really is.

Back to Baby Shower: M did pretty well the first half-hour or so and then she just wanted to play with the legos in the other room.  No problem.  Oh, wait, she would only stop howling if I played WITH her.  I tried explaining that I didn't come to the big party to play legos in the other room, but that excuse didn't fly with the M-ster.  I would've just left with her, but there are three preggos in our Bible Study (including me) - due in March, April and May - so we really wanted to get a picture together.

So now here we are.  Today I am officially, technically 39 weeks along and am just hanging out until Wednesday morning at 6:15 am... if not before...    

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