Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just call me Julia...

...Ms. Child if you're... uh... oh... nevermind!

I am not a cook.  I don't really enjoy cooking like I've heard some people actually do.  JJ ENJOYS the whole process of cooking.  I think part of it is that I'm so darn picky.  New flavor combination?  Fancy-pants ingredients?  Most likely not super appealing to me.  Pooooor JJ.  Siiigh. 

BUT I do enjoy providing for my family.  I get proud of myself when I have made a meal so that JJ doesn't have to.  I get REALLY proud of myself when I plan ahead.  I get even more proud of myself when I do it thriftily (hey, cool, that's a word!)!

Friday evening was Craft Night at my Church.  LOVE IT.  I brought scrapbooking stuff.  It was fabulous.  During that time, one of the fabulous women from the Church did a presentation on organization.  I told JJ later that I was that girl who kept right on scrapbooking as she presented (dedicated time when I have everything spread out??  I've got to take advantage of it!).  But, I WAS listening intently and DID bring home a bunch of tips --- as well as some follow-up questions.  One of the basic things she talked about was meal planning.

So, back to food.  Sunday evening I decided to create a meal plan for the week.  Here's the catch.  JJ could just think of a million meals off the top of his head.  I have to a) rummage through our pantry/fridge/freezer to see what we have (and especially what we should be using up) and b) look up recipes for basically EVERYthing.  Knowing baby boy will be here TOMORROW(!!!!) added to the meal planning conundrum.  But, in the end, I got it done.  I delivered.  AND, grocery shopped for the whole week for under $40!!!  (With a $20 gift card). 

I'm not fancy, you've heard me say THAT a few times, but here's what's shaking and baking at the J house this week (not necessarily in this order!):
rotisserie chicken salad (and then later sandwiches!)
crescent roll casserole
meat loaf/mashed potatoes (ok JJ is making the mashed potatoes --- I can't deny him his enjoyment in the kitchen ALL week, can I??)
baked corn with pasta (new crock pot recipe... we'll see!)
bean with bacon soup/cheesy bread

I also made a double-batch of mueslix (I think that's how it's spelled!  LJ?  Help me out!) and then some banana bread yesterday with the Chooch-Monster (baking with a 2 year old is way easier said than done in my opinion!).

This post is long enough, and my 4 am cereal break is over.  I will post recipes soon!


Jessica said...

holy cow you are one woman on a mission doing all this so close to delivery! :) praying for a safe and healthy delivery tomorrow (or whenever!)

Lyz said...

I went grocery shopping the afternoon before Ben was born. I also went rummage sale-ing, and hung up the new shower curtain I bought. Oh, the things we do hours before childbirth!

I think you got "mueslix" right. I haven't had to write it very often.:)

Thinking of you tomorrow! (Like I have been all week...:)