Thursday, March 3, 2011

M-girl Update

I just have a feeling some posts in the near future may have baby brother written all over them (hoping we have 8 more days!!  CRAZY!!!), so I better slip in an M update!

*She does this thing now where she crouches down and yells, "Oooooooooooh JUMP!" and jumps up "high".  It is so stinkin' cute, except when she's on the couch.  (THAAAANKS cousin A -- and Daddy -- for having a video of A diving off of the couch.  M requests it often!)

*I'm trying really hard to streamline our nuh-nigh routine.  We have a pretty good system down, including three books.  She has a few all time favorites that get requested almost every night (including: Llama, Llama Red Pajama, If You Give a Pig a Pancake, Corduroy, a farm book (she has three to choose from), a Pony book (cute little My Little Pony board books she got for her bday -- more on that later), an art book (from the Mini Masters book set) and more).  She would love for JJ or I to rock her to sleep (and sometimes it's just divine to hold a sleeping baby), but we avoid that at all costs.  Also, at this point, it's very, very hard for me to snuggle too much with her anyways.  Not the way we're used to anyways.  We did "Oh baby" a little bit tonight (where I hold her like a little baby and coo at her) -- at her request.  : )  M's daycare gal has said that she's been trickier to put down lately -- MVJ wants MP to rock her.  I've been trying to tell M she's a big girl and can just lay down for naps like a big girl and doesn't need MP (or Mommy or Daddy) to rock her.
*So along with bedtime, M has a new "trick".  She loves opening and closing doors.  For our very first time ever, M walked out of her bedroom in the middle of the night.  I must've subconsciously heard her rustling around before she actually opened the door, but it scared the bejeezers out of JJ.  It has only happened once, thank goodness!  I'm sure there'll be more where that came from, though.

*I'm so not ready to jump on kiddo fads, but I have learned some things from M's My Little Pony books --- did you KNOW that the little images on their butts have a name?  They're their "cutie marks"!  haha!  JJ now calls them a tramp stamp (not in front of M --- goodness knows she would certainly pick up on that and repeat it!). 

*M has started finishing things --- like my sentences and words in books.  It's pretty cute!  She's so engaged in conversations and communicating.  She is right about 90% of the time too!  She also has a few memorized lines in books, like "Not today dear," her mother sighed. -- from Corduroy.

*M has become a little bossy thing.  Some things are good -- she'll make sure I have my seat belt on and that I'm drinking water.  Some things are not so good -- she'll want to play in M's room "right now" and demand one or both of us to "Get up!"  She also has a "Noooooo" and "Yeah" that sound oddly teenager-ish.  No, no, no... so not ready for that.

*One of my favorite new things because it is so darn funny is her "eating" noise.  She has a kitchen now, so we do lots of pretend cooking and eating -- but this sound has also come up while she's actually eating too!  It's like this big 'ole chomping noise!  CHOMP!

*M has kind of become a little scaredy cat.  I can tell she finds comfort in Mommy and Daddy and often reassures herself with, "Mommy (or Daddy) is right there."  The other day we were shopping and M tried out a little rocking horse.  I was at a very nearby clearance rack and noticed a little boy walked up to her.  I observed her staring at him, and then out came the biiiiig lip.  His parents rushed over thinking he had pushed her or demanded a turn or something.  No, she just got a little nervous.  When I picked her up, she started bawling.  I had to talk her down explaining how the boy wanted to say hi to M and she was just fine.  When we got home, she had to reenact the whole story to Daddy.

I could share more, more, and more stories, but I better stop here!  My big girl is growing up so quickly!

1 comment:

Tara said...

I love reading your blog posts, and I have to say, I love reading your updates on MVJ so much. It is nice that she is so close to Kendall's age and reasuuring that things Kendall does are "normal." Kendall tends to be bossy too, "Mom, sit here, right now" and loves to tell the dogs what they should be doing at all times of the day! Also, she is such a scaredy cat too! When we walk by some strangers, Kendall will say, "oooo, scary man." It takes her time to warm up to new experiences and most new people. So glad this seems to be normal :)