Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Last Day??

There are many questions still in the air.  One of the bigger ones is if I'll be working next year again or not.  It's about a 90% chance that I won't be here again next year.  If we move to KC, I'll be a stay-at-home Mom.  It seems weird to not be technically employed, however we ALL know that being a stay-at-home parent does not equal not having a job. 

Anyways, today may very well be my last academic day with kids.  SO WEIRD.  I'm getting kind of emotional.  It's like the last day of high school - when everyone was whooping it up and getting excited about the last day and I was bawling my head off.  I just have a little bit trouble with change.  I look forward to new experienes but get sad about leaving what I'm used to. 

I wish I knew for sure.  That would help a lot as the school year comes to an end.  I feel in my heart that we'll be gone so I'd like to help someone transition into my job so that it's easier for them and for the kids. 

This waiting deal.  Not fun. 

But exciting!  YAY!  JJ is going to be a doctor!  I may get to be a stay at home mom!  : ) 


The Elwells' Weekly said...

Wow! What a crazy thought...the whole not working thing. Whatever happens will be perfect though! :)

I will tell you that I absolutely LOVE staying at home and I kind of wish I could do it all the time (but sssshhh, don't tell my work I said that!) ;) It is nice to be able to get out and work the 2 days a week.

Either way, God has some pretty amazing things in store for you! Praying for you guys!

Lyz said...

I totally sympathize. When we were technically homeless a couple years ago, I had an emotional breakdown. In front of the kids. Leah was worried about me.

Just breathe & know that by November, you'll be settled. Wherever you are.:)

Anonymous said...

"Thee" Anonymous here. I'm going through something very similar, where you don't really know where you are going to be six months from now. I think we just have to embrace it. It is in the adventure that we get to embrace things that we don't usually embrace, and we get to live our lives in different ways than we expected. But it is much bigger than ourselves. God has a plan for all of us and His plan is much better than we could have ever made for ourselves. Just keep the faith and trust that God knows what He is doing :)