Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our Doppelgangers...


[dop-uhl-gang-er; Ger. daw-puhl-geng-er] 
a ghostly double or counterpart of a living person

I caught Oprah the other day (which never happens because I usually don't make it out of work right at 4:00), and she was talking about this guy who decided to research a person with his very same name.  Person A was this decorated military man who was successful in his career, had a wonderful family and was grounded in his faith.  Reading the newspaper one day, he was started to see his own name in headlines about a man (with his same name) who murdered a cop.  Person A became really interested in his story and began following it.  He found out the kid had grown up in his same neighborhood but their lives were totally different.

There were other, smaller stories about people researching other people with their same names and it made me stop and think about JJ and my own doppelgangers.  Strangely we each have people that we know have the exact same names as us.  JJ's is his cousin and mine is some distant relative also (who has the same name as me, with my maiden name).  Anyways.  JJ's is a kid messed up with drugs, stealing cars and just general naughtiness.  I found out about mine because some friends called me inquiring about a DUI.  DUI?!  No way, I don't drink and would never drink and drive.  My same-name twin apparently had gotten a DUI in the western part of the state.  The weird thing is that later we moved there and I found out I worked for the same school district!

Crazy, crazy... it's amazing how different upbringings and psychological dispositions (JJ's fancy words for personality!) can make a huge difference in a person's future.  Oprah mentioned education as a huge factor as well, and I have to agree.

And.... another giveaway!  : )

Seriously, stinkin' cute headbands and hats
And vinyl lettering signs!

And did you see?  Did you see?  I won my first giveaway! 

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