Monday, May 3, 2010

Some more giveaways...

Please excuse me... I am just trying to up my chances at some giveaways!  But seriously, check these out - like my friend EE says, if it can't be me who wins, I'd love it if it were you!!

1.  Piggy Paint -- MVJ does get her nails done at the Daddy Salon, so I'm sure they would both appreciate this cool and safe paint.
2.  Punchbowl Productions -- Did you see the prints?  What about the t-shirts?  I love the, "Will Scream for Toy" shirt... maybe it's just too true... : )
 3.  Friendly Brown -- I love the cute iPod cover... I don't know if JJ would let me cover his in the cute purple cover, though!  : )
4.  Kinderglo -- This is funny because I just talked to my SIL about nightlights!  I think MVJ would love this nightlight... so cute!  And cuddly!
5.  Captured Imagination --These hats are ADORABLE.  If I could get MVJ to wear them, I'd buy three!  : )
6. Wishy-Watchy -- I thought there were some very pretty watches.  Maybe it'd make up for the time my brother lost mine at a carnival when he was too many to actually wear it... I've TOTALLY gotten over that... : )
7. Daisy Bags --  So cute!  So useful!
8. Kelly's Originals --  Again with the cute hats!
9. Eleven Collection -- SUPERcute shoes!  I'm all about the shoes... just ask MVJ and her already growing shoe collection!

Seriously... this could be a full time job! 


The Elwells' Weekly said...

It could be a full time job! I am totally hooked though! :) I've got a pretty good flow down now so it doesn't take too much time to enter them, then I just sit back and wait to win! :)

Love that I got you hooked too! Good luck and happy winnings!

The Elwells' Weekly said...

Seriously I am so pumped for you!