Thursday, March 25, 2010

We have had some weird behaviors at school.  Times, they are a changin'.  From what I can tell, there are two core problems with kiddos today.  1) Parents expect schools to educate their children (yes, that makes sense) in values and manners and social skills (ooooh... yeah, that's not so good).  2) Kids don't seem to care if they get in trouble.

For example, I was being hall monitor before and after lunch (yes, we have to do  that now.  GENERALLY kids figure out how to make their way to and from lunch on their own.  Not quite possible for the bunch we have this year.)  Anyways, I SAW a kid dump another kid's books on the floor.  I approached the kid and asked him to pick the books back up.  He immediately got defensive, "I didn't do it!  You didn't see me do it!  I didn't do anything!  I just poked him on the shoulder."  So quickly it goes from nothing to a little concession.  Also, note to kiddos: when you sound so guilty, that usually cements the fact that YOU ARE.  He remained absolutely sure I was actually the one guilty of harassing him that, huh, funny thing, he ended up being the LAST person in line for lunch.  That was the best punishment ever and he prescribed it to himself.  Now, normally, I would just call home and things would be all good.  Except for in this case, we've called home before and Mom basically has the same message -- her son would never ever do anything like that and HE is actually the victim.  Hmmmm... I guess we don't have to spend too much time wondering where the kiddo got this attitude from!

Another odd example: I found out there was a rumor going around about one of my students.  It was a pretty serious rumor - one that involved her being pregnant.  That's pretty darn scary and I try not to be that naive teacher, but I also try to believe the best about people.  Anyways, I chatted with our school counselor.  He did some digging and found out that SHE started the rumor herself... AND added some really weird details.  I mean seriously, what in the world!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Kids. I think that middle schoolers should be able to fail so there is some motivation to actually do work.

Also, I was just talking about the rumor thing - at least 3 times in the 3 years I was teaching, we'd have girls in tears telling us that so-and-so was dying and only had months to live. Um, if none of the teacher knew about it, do you think it's real?

Suffice it to say, we never had a tragic death. Girls thrive on attention, and will go to desperate means to get it. Just be thankful she didn't go and REALLY get pregnant.