Monday, March 22, 2010

MVJ in March

I don't think I've updated lately on the li'l miss.  MVJ is definitely a toddler.  Not in the "she toddles around" sense, because she is still not walking, but in the mood sense.  She has been a big time whiner lately, much to JJ's frustration (remember, he's the one who stays home with her all day!).  Several times she has been put in her crib to have a time out of sorts.  We definitely want to nip that whining in the bud!  She has been a picky eater lately, too.  That is hard.  We can't tell her why it's so important to have a little dairy and a little fruit and a little protein, etc.  She just doesn't care and is ALWAYS up for fishy crackers or "yoges"!  : )  She is a champion water drinker --- and still a milk drinker (NOT the whole milk we'd like her to be drinking).  I'm not good at weaning her and obviously she's not just going to do it on her own.  MVJ has lots of new toys from her birthday, including one set of legos and one set of these spikey building blocks.  She LOVES playing, "You build it and I will destroy it." 

We went for our first walk of the season this last weekend.  Woohoo!!  LOVE it!  She enjoys shopping with Mommy and Mommy loves having a little helper -- especially when there is a shopping cart!!  Otherwise things can get pretty dicey at times!  She's started saying, "Uh oh!" and that's super cute.  She also babbles, "Ma-ma!" and "Da-da!"  But her all time favorite phrase is still, "Duke a day-dee."  We have NO idea how to translate it, but there have been times when I've thrown it into normal conversation with JJ.  We crack ourselves up.  : )  One thing's for sure, MVJ has completely taken over our lives and we love her for it.  She has been doing a super awesome job with babysitters, and that makes us so happy.  We went to dinner and a movie the other weekend and of course the whole meal was spent talking about MVJ and/or looking at pictures we have of her on our phone.  We are hopeless!

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