Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I need to tread carefully here. I do NOT want to be making fun of this particular friend, but some of the things she says cracks me up! She is a supernice person, who is always up for a game, so in my book she's great! A while ago we had the chance to hang out with her and her hubby. I really have no right to poke fun at her either, because in the last week I have been reaching for little sayings, too. For example, when we were pulling into Target the other day, I turned to JJ and said something like, "Let's kick this can!" (as in "Let's go!"). He was like... "Uhhh... let's blow this popsicle stand? Let's kick this pig?? Not quite sure what you were going for there..." : )

So without further ado, here are three examples of my friend's-isms:

1) "Correct me if I'm right." Well, I'm feeling pretty snarky, so I could possibly pull that one off...

2) She kept going on and on about her liable car. I just wasn't figuring it out until all of a sudden I got it! REliable car... yeah... there we go!

3) I was feeding MVJ some bananas and berries baby food. She doesn't eat it very much anymore, and I have to give my friend some credit. If you're not around babies very much, maybe you wouldn't recognize a baby food container or even the different flavors. But, she was all, "Ooh! Did you just make chocolate pudding? I love chocolate pudding! Look at her eating that chocolate pudding!" Yup. . .

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