Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My... uh.... her... uh....

Quite a few times now I've been referring to JJ in relation to MVJ in a conversation with someone who wouldn't necessarily know him/our family (i.e. the receptionist at the hospital).  Many times I feel totally awkward when I say either "Her Daddy" OR "My husband" because I want to be clear that they are the same person!  I think I only worry/think about this because of the many, many different types of families I work with.  I thought this only happened to me but I recently had a conversation with my friend CJ, and she said she's thought the same thing.  Does anyone else stumble over their words with this?  Maybe you have a good way out of this situation?  Like CJ said, usually the ring speaks for itself and can definitely help in clarifying.  I'm sure the person on the other end of the conversation is NOT thinking this much into it!!  : )


Lanae Brown said...

I TOTALLY think that same thing when I'm talking to people! That's so funny, I figured I was the only one being anal like that! Guess it's a normal thing.

jillg said...

I am the exact same way! Last Sunday Josh couldn't be at church with us and I was talking with a woman I didn't know and I referred to A's dad... Then I though, man, I hope she realizes A's dad is my husband!