Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Days Off

I love a day off. Believe me. Anything that gives me more time with my husband and baby girl is a-ok by me. BUT... being a little picky here... I MUCH prefer having Fridays off rather than Mondays. When you have Monday off, all you can think about is it is a four-day week and then it drags on forever. Also, Tuesday is just another Monday -- that dreaded first wake up of the week. So, thank goodness for laborers. I loved my three-day weekend, but now I'm just thrown off. And to make matters worse, whenever I try to remember what day it is, I think, "Oh! Wait! It's a four-day work week! It must be {insert the day AFTER the actual day}." Ugh... So all day today I thought it was Thursday. Thank goodness for my TV lineup to help me get back on track. Oh yeah -- Top Chef is Wednesday. Project Runway is Thursday. Ok, ok, aaaaand, I'm back!

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