Friday, September 11, 2009


The other night my friend KLA was in town.  It was SO good to see her.  And she brought me Subway.  I mean, c'mon.  [Right here.  She got me right here.  Pointing to my heart.]  She just cracks me up.  I've tried to convince her that she needs her own blog.  She just has so many ideas.  Some people might find them strange, but the way she presents them is just hilarious!  For example, she explained why marble cake is a lose-lose choice for weddings.  "You don't please ANYONE.  Those who like chocolate cake aren't happy.  Those who like white cake aren't happy.  No one wins!"  

She also showed me a twitter page called s#!$mydadsays --- but the real swear word -- beware there's lots of swearing... obviously!  It's SO random.  This 28 year-old guy who lives with his parents just randomly writes things his 73 year-old father says.  It's totally random and has its funny moments.  On to facebook, where we checked out her BIL's notes where he writes about his week in review.  Then we looked through almost all of her hubby C's pics on facebook, while K pointed out if he was buzzed (happy smile), drunk ("He looks like an infant!"), or looking gay or the "Oh he's so cute!  Look how hot he is!".  

But, the gem of the night... the quote of the day was when she was describing her Mom at her wedding:  "What are you going to do when your Mom steps out dressed like a pirate??!"  I just laugh out loud even just thinking about it right now.  haha!

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