Monday, September 28, 2009

On the Farm!

My Mom grew up on a farm in a very small farming community in the middle part of the state. As a kid I always loved going to visit Farm Grandma and Grandpa, although my Grandpa was in poor health almost from the time I was born, so I really didn't get to know the real him. On the farm, there were usually tons of people around (my Mom being #9 of 13 kids) and lots of outdoor adventures. We loved jumping on the haybales, playing tag. We loved watching the cows -- especially in the spring with all the new babies. We loved playing with the baby kitties and calling the cats for meal time "Here kitty, kitty, kitty!" We loved climbing trees and playing baseball. We enjoyed indoor time too -- playing card games and having slumber parties in the big rooms with tons of kids scattered here and there.

Last weekend I got to share this special place with MVJ. She met a few Great Aunts and Uncles for the first time (it's about time!) and got to see Grandma and Grandpa K again.. We were greeted at the door with a {gasp} "She's even more beautiful than in her pictures!" We found out there's a new little W (born THAT day!) -- my cousin A and his wife (... ahem... both doctors from Harvard Med. School...) had baby #3 - a boy - whom they named C because "it's a unique name". It's funny because I have met quite a few C's -- and JJ's Dad AND next older brother are both named C, but I suppose it is unique to this youngest generation.

Back to the farm... my little 2 1/2 year old cousin was quick to share his toys and MVJ found a new friend! Even though MVJ was a bit cranky about being held by other people, she entertained from her spot on the floor -- sitting up by her boppy or in her bumbo. Then we enjoyed a short walk on a beautiful day -- one of the last sunny ones for a while I fear. I scampered up a haybale and MVJ was hoisted up. I was proud of myself that I could still get up and excited to share this special place with my baby girl. I hope it becomes a favorite retreat for her as well!

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