Sunday, September 6, 2009

Baby Girl Update

My baby girl will be 30 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe it! Here are a few updates:

*MVJ is *this* close to being a sitter! She does a great job, but I don't think she realizes yet that she's on her own. She'll be sitting there great and then all of a sudden plunge forward, or to the side. The sides are especially tipsy still.

*Daddy is trying to work on MVJ crawling. What??! Let's take things slowly Daddy! But, when MVJ is on her tummy, she'll get her little legs going and it just seems like she's going to take off one of these days!

*MVJ has some random best buds -- she loves BB, our upstairs neighbor and also H, the worker at sand volleyball! I love that she and Grandma bonded too!

*We have a good eater - she loves baby food - well, everything except for apples it seems. Who knew? Sometimes I get tummy troubles after eating apples, too, so this could be my fault. She has been better about using her sippy cup, but still seems at least minorly repulsed by the liquids in it (we've tried everything: water, juice (LOW concentration of juice), formula, and breastmilk!). She refuses a bottle. The lactation consultant (I told you I was a worrier!) said that she IS probably fine, but that we should try a bottle on the weekends too... so that is our new plan.

*We have good sleeper. MVJ is somewhat stubborn to her schedule in the evenings. She WANTS to be in bed around 6:45, and no matter how hard we try to move this back, we always seem to get punished if she's not in bed by 6:45. We had volleyball Thursday night, which we thought would be a great opportunity for MVJ to stay up a little later and maybe sleep a little later??! Nope. We were punished with one night wake-up along with an early morning wake-up. She was so crabby too. We just knew she would be back down for the count soon after waking up. Sure enough she was back in bed for her morning nap around 8am!

*MVJ and Daddy are just about the cutest things ever. It seriously melts my heart thinking of them hanging out together. Sure she may not be wearing the outfits I would put together. Sure she may be working on crawling sooner than I would be helping along. Sure she isn't drinking booby juice like she should. But when I get home, and hear Daddy whisper, "Who's that? Who's coming?" And MVJ grunt in response, I just about lose it every time!

*MVJ still has wild hair! We love it! She also has her BIG eyes that have to check everything out. My new nickname for her is "Googiebear" -- she just has such big googlie eyes.

*She still loves car rides, being held, going for walks, sitting in her highchair, book snacks, and her buggy (a bug whose nose lights up, body plays music, and wings crinkle). Oh! She also has begun to love pacifiers again... but alas, only as toys this time. We'll put it in her mouth, and she'll chew on it, pull it out, flap it around, put it back in her mouth, swirl it around, etc. Goofer!

*She's begun to stick out her tongue. All the time! She has such funny facial expressions and her smile can get so huge! But her lower lip can get equally huge too! She still "talks" -- lots of mmmm sounds -- at times it sounds just like "mum"! So cute! She also ooohs, and whispers sometimes too -- I love all of her little noises! OH... but she still screeches at times too. Youchies, that is NOT one of my favorite noises!

*She's just about exclusively in 6-9 month outfits -- some smaller ones still fit -- but I've mostly put them out of the way. It's fun to pull out new things! But, at the same time, I still get sad thinking it'll be the last time she'll wear some of her smaller things. Like my Mom said, I'll have to pray for another girl with all of these cute clothes!

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