Sunday, September 27, 2009

MVJ's new chatter

Lately MVJ has gotten up right about the same time I do in the morning. It's precious to have that extra time with her, but also a bit tough balancing getting ready with caring for a busy little girl! JJ has been wonderful about getting up a little earlier so that we can spend breakfast together and so that I can, you know, get my teeth brushed and little things like that.

Last Wednesday, as I was walking out the door, MVJ called, "Buh-buh Mah-mah!" It just about broke my heart. Of course I had to run back and cuddle her a few more minutes. She is just the sweetest little girl. It is so tough walking out the door each day. She has been saying muh-muh for quite some time now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Daddy teases her that she's going to go to her room until she starts saying da-da!

Now this one is going to be a tough one to describe, but here goes. When we are teasing MVJ, we'll pretend to chew on her things with a throaty chompy (like /kom/ ?) noise. And then other times we'll tickle attack her with a similar throaty (like /buh/ ?) noise. Anyways, our little has started to copy us! It is just hilarious to watch her with her little fang (she has one top tooth, but it's one on the side... silly girl!) make a throaty little noise. We say she's turning into our little vampy (vampire)!

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