Saturday, August 1, 2009

Trip to MN

A long, long time ago... I can still remember... how that music used to make me feel. No. Wait. A long time ago I used to be a hall director! It was a grand ole time and I'm so thankful I was able to do it for two years (just enough but not too much!). In the process, I was able to be on the bestest staff ever. Seriously. I don't mean to gloat or something, but we all just clicked and created a really positive working environment. So four of the five of us live in the cities (or nearby)... can you guess which one of these is not like the other one? Which one does not belong? Yeah, that's me, so I was the one traveling this week to visit my good friends: NW, JP, TAF and SV. We organized a BBQ and night out at the Twins and it was fabulous!! (Fellow housing staff member SO tagged along for some fun along with significant others: JJ, MF, AW, and JM).

The drama of the trip was that JJ had jury duty. His first call was the week he was in his nephew's wedding. He got out of that with a new letter to call the week of his MCATs. He got out of that with a new letter to call the week of our Twins game. He felt a little foolish trying to get out again so we just crossed our fingers. We packed up the van, drove to Fargo to be an hour closer to the cities, and he called at his designated time. Miracle of miracles, there were no cases and he was thus relieved of his duties! w00t! Into the van we went again and made it to the cities in about three hours from Fargo. MVJ slept the WHOLE TIME. What a fabulous daughter I have!

We got to the F house only to be greeted by Neua เนื้อ --- I had to look up how to spell "meat" in Thai --- I'm not sure how to spell the name of their dog (long story short, they lived in Thailand for two years and rescued a dog that was about to be used as a temple sacrifice --- so since they eat dog in Thailand, they named their dog "meat" in Thai!! I think it's hillarious!). Anyways, no one else was there -- Neua is quite the guard dog -- he licked us to death! But, we were confused that his owners weren't present. We soon found out that TA had been at the ER -- she is 13 weeks pregnant and had four migraines in two days! TA's migraines are not your run of the mill migraines -- we're talking loss of vision and pretty much the ability to be present in the world when one hits. AND she can't take her regular meds because of her pregnancy. Boo! But, she was given a shot and a new prescription, and she seems to be on the up and up! Thank goodness!

TAF and MF are doing great and they have all sorts of fun plans for the baby room and all that. Yay for babies! Tuesday morning we set about getting ready for the BBQ at NW and AW's, buying a few Twins outfits (for JJ, TAF and of course miss MVJ), and making a sign for li'l miss MVJ for the Twins. Then we headed out to the W's. It was so much fun to hang out with our old friends. One of my favorite things is we always seem to just slide back in to regular life. There generally isn't the awkward "catching up" that usually happens with old friends. I love my housing family! Go team D! Leave your pants at home! I think that's enough for now. More to come.

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