Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tidbits of Advice: Traveling with a Baby MVJ

We've done our fair share of traveling with miss MVJ. We don't want to just stay home because we have a baby. We MVJ to be a good traveler when she gets older, and what better way than to expose her to it early on. MVJ has proved to be a good sport in the car, but we have learned a few things along the way.

*Since she is generally beyond the whole spitting up thing, we feed her almost right before we leave.
*We also diaper her right before -- oh and a bath right before is very good too if it can be managed.
*We've found that traveling around her nap schedule is the best thing ever. She will usually take extended naps when she's started out in the car.
*Traveling in the morning seems best for her, but we haven't tried too late at night to compare.
*MVJ once slept a whole five hours in the car and woke up about 15 minutes outside of home. We had to take a longer trip and MVJ screamed about the last whole hour. We knew all she wanted was to get out of her carseat so there wasn't anything we could do besides press on.
*MVJ isn't quite to the age we can distract her with books and toys and things, so sleep is our best ally so far.

Next week: what to pack when traveling with a baby!


Anonymous said...

I heard that if you need to take a long road trip, a good idea is to leave when your baby is ready to go to bed at night, and drive through the night. :)

Anonymous said...

I should give credit to my sister for that. I'm pretty sure I heard it from her. :)
~Jill (again)