Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tidbits of Advice: Packing! ! !

I have to say I don't think we're the best packers in the world. We bought a family van and seem to fill it every trip... with only one kiddo... but, I have learned some things along the way!

*If your kiddo fits in a bumbo, bring it along -- it can be a play area, a chance for your kiddo to have his or her own space AND a high chair all in one!
*I used to try to count diapers to decide how many to bring - but now I just bring a whole package every time. It's not that big of a deal if you have extras but it is if you run out! Plus, we have gone to smaller towns where the diapers are much more expensive... not worth it!
*Always bring a few extra clothes -- you just never know! One time we had all summer clothes for MVJ and the weather turned yucky almost the whole time - the poor girl ended up wearing pajamas like the whole time because they were the warmest thing she had!
*Bring extra blankets -- for one thing you might want to lay them down on the floor (like my parents have hardwood floors and they just get too cold/aren't the softest) or maybe there are pets, etc. that you want to keep your kiddo away from. I've also had to use the "this is MVJ's space" for overexhuberant kiddos when MVJ has had enough!
*I've brought my pump to various places and have ended up using it exactly 1/2 a time - it is tougher than I realized to plan that out in advance. We ended up buying formula when we went to Minneapolis the last time and it was just fine. So maybe you want to have a few backup plans along just in case for food.
*We always bring MVJ's "toiletry" bag -- baby Tylenol, Mylicon, teething tablets, bath/grooming supplies, thermometer, nasal aspirator, etc. -- you just never know and you don't want to have to go searching for it at a store if you need it!

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