Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm a Mom

It's official. Let me tell you how that fact was just completely solidified for me today. My beautiful baby girl had her 6 month appointment today. What? 6 months? No way! Anyways, we met with Dr. Z, our pediatrician (our very first pediatrician by the way -- she was described to us as a bit on the geeky side. Both JJ and I decided this was a desirable quality in a doctor.). She fell in love with MVJ right away so we knew she was a keeper (Dr. Z that is -- we've always known MVJ is a keeper! Disclaimer: I realize pediatricians probably ALL ooh and ahh after ALL the babies, but it still made this Momma feel good!). She even gave MVJ a book as part of this program to get books into homes. MVJ promptly chewed on the lower right corner. (She had a book snack later today too.) Anyways, the check up went really well. Dr. Z prescribed MVJ a multivitiman with flouride and vitamin D. She said it is yucky tasting, but was concerned she might not be getting enough flouride since we're still breastfeeding.

Then, of course, the shots. THE SHOTS. Yuck! Daddy held MVJ and she did SO WELL. Really. So that's definitely going to be our new method of shot-taking. I'm pretty sure I project my anxiety onto her. What Mom can just sit there while their baby gets poked with a needle?

Then, I left Daddy in charge while I headed to the water park with one of my summer kiddos. Yay! M-D time is always a good thing, and I am really enjoying getting to know my group of kiddos. They're great! I got home and Daddy was in bed while MVJ was crying in hers. Daddy had a bad headache and MVJ had been crying in her bed for about 10 minutes according to Daddy. He said she had slept about half the time I was gone and cried the rest. Yuck! That is no fun! Especially when you know there's nothing really you can do. You just have to let the shots do their work.

I cuddled MVJ and settled her down (and let Daddy take a breather!). She was doing really well, so I decided to get her going on supper. I gave her some carrots (with a little cereal) and then checked out the vitamins we got. MVJ took the liquid vitamins like a champ and ate about a half of a bowl of her food. Afterwards, I was holding her again and I could just hear rumbling in her tummy. She looked like she was NOT feeling well. I changed her diaper -- a BLOW OUT poopy diaper -- she has not had one of those in a while.

Then she still looked like she was not doing so well, so I took her into the bathroom with me while I cleaned up her outfit. All of a sudden, she looked at me really sad, turned to the side, and PROJECTILE VOMITTED ALL OVER THE BATHROOM. Poor little punky! She did it one more time and I yelled for JJ. He came in and witnessed her vomitting again. Poor sweet thing. Seriously -- orange. All over. All over me, all over her, all over everything. JJ told me to jump in the bathtub (duh... I guess that would've been a smart thing to do a few pukes ago). She went one more time and was done. Oh, I wish I could've taken that yucky away from her. NO FUN. And she doesn't understand (and won't remember, so that's a positive out of this!).

So here is where I circle back to my point. I was always wondering how in the world my Mom could deal with our icky bodily fluids -- wet beds, diarrhea, puke, etc. You know, all the good stuff. I literally had puke dripping off of my hair and arms and I didn't even flinch. I didn't even feel yucky. I just felt so badly for MVJ. I just wanted to take care of her. I was outside of my own needs and wants. It was pretty amazing.

(End of the story -- JJ took MVJ to clean her up, so I could clean up. By the time I got the bathroom cleaned up, MVJ was sleeping soundly in JJ's arms. We called her pediatrician just to double check if we should take her in, stop vitamins, etc. The phone system of our hospital/clinic completely froze/shut down. It was pretty nuts. I had to call three times to actually speak to a nurse. Then we got cut off. They called us back like thirty times and it would ring twice and then hang up. Crazy. We finally got ahold of our Dr. and she said to discontinue the vitamins for a week. Phew, I'm definitely ok with that. I don't want a reprisal of The Exorcist, thankyouverymuch.)


Lyz said...

My kids have not thrown up often, but I have caught puke in my hands (rather than have it land on the carpet!) AND rinsed diarreah-filled undies in the toilet at midnight. It's amazing what it takes for us to realize that we really are MOMS. Yuck.

If the same thing happens in a week, I'd say the lack of vitamins or floride won't kill her!;)

Jessica said...

Oh..ok...I admit it-I just cried a little. A happy cry though. Motherhood is just simply indescribable and I love it too! I hope she is feeling better (maybe it was the shots?)