Thursday, July 9, 2009

Walmart Outing

Today I just had to get a few groceries and other items so I ran to Walmart because I was close by. While there I decided to pick up the photo CDs I had ordered a few days ago. This was the second time I ordered them because the first order didn't go through for some reason. Today I stopped by the photo counter and after much searching, the guy was like, "I see your order and see that it is done, but I can't find them." I was like, (to myself), "Oh boy here we go again. . . " Then I actually said, "Ok, well I have to go get charcoal and lighter fluid, so I'll just be back in a few minutes." After walking to the other side of the store, (and walking by the school supplies -- NO! Not school supplies! School can't be starting soon!! But yes! Yes! New markers!) I found the charcoal and headed back. The guy was like, "Nope. Can't find them. You'll have to order them again." Boo! I have had so much trouble with Sam's Club and Walmart for photos, but they are so the cheapest and most convenient (MOST of the time). So, I'll have to put in order number three. Boo, hiss boo. Does anyone have suggestions for where to get photos printed??!

Also, I completed a few more pages in our family scrapbook -- including the birth of li'l miss MVJ, but I canNOT get myself to start her album! I was just about to get all my stuff out (it's still in our kitchen from unpacking from our mini-trip to AJ and LJ's), but JJ started complaining about how much room my scrapbooking stuff takes up when I lay it out in our living room. I know, I know. I need a day long retreat or something. I just need to dive in, and it'll be great!


Anonymous said...

My hunny says the same thing when I take out my scrapbooking stuff! Sometime when I'm at Mom and Dad's for the weekend, we should take over their new entry and have a scrapbooking day! The guys can hang out in the garage! :)
~Jill :)

JJ and EJ said...

: ) Ok, my J is not alone then! Yes --- that would be fabulous! Let me know!