Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tidbits of Advice: Feeding Cereal

We have been feeding MVJ cereal for quite some time now. We started with just a little introduction randomly, but have moved it right into her nightly bedtime ritual. At about 8pm, I plop her in her bumbo on the kitchen table (she stays there during her meal--we haven't gotten the highchair out yet). She loves being my little sous chef. I started out making it quite soupy, but now have been able to make it a bit thicker. I also started out mixing it with pumped breastmilk. Yeah, way too much work for a nightly deal. So I've been using distilled water instead. I warm it up slightly -- she's not a fan of "cold" yet. Then I get the bib out -- my upstairs neighbor (BB) said that cloth seem to better for the "wetter" cereal stage. She has fun baby spoons -- sometimes I let her "choose" the color. She is pretty much a champ. She loves her some cereal and generally eats everything I have made. Sometimes she'll refuse the spoon, turn away, try to grab it and throw it, etc. to let me know that she is DONE. She loves being cleaned up for some reason. She'll grab the little towel and sometimes try to eat it! She usually wants to follow up with some milkies, which is fine by me (fill 'er up so she sleeps longer is my motto!).

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