Friday, July 10, 2009

Just some layout ideas . . .

Ugh, I am way overthinking this... I know... Today I got all of my scrapbooking stuff out and it is now littering the floor/couch/coffee table in our small apartment. Thank goodness JJ works tomorrow! I planned on getting quite a bit done with Baby Girl napped, but no. Again, I just had to get some things down on paper (cheap, scrap paper rather than the more expensive CM paper!) before I could get started. And again I found tons of stuff that I just wanted to sit and look at. The bands from my wrist, JJ's wrist, MVJ's wrist/foot from the hospital. The ultrasound pics. The professional pics. The "yay you're pregnant", baby shower, "yay you gave birth", and Baptism cards. I did manage to jot down the ideas I have so far for pages and get them in order. Here they are so far. Feel free to give me feedback!!

Title Page
Preggo pics/Baby Shower
Hospital Pics/Hospital Stuff/Your Name
Professional Pics/Announcement
With Mommy
With Daddy
With K's (4 Generations)
With J's
A Day in the Life
Tummy time
Bumbo chair/swing
South Babies
Month by Month

And that should take me through my first paper pack! Eeks! I'm planning on doing the "Firsts" and on after her 6th month so I actually have about half-way through the first year represented!! We have 6th month photographs scheduled with: her. Hopefully everything goes well and Chi-chi smiles big!


Lyz said...

Oh man. You ARE overthinking it! But it looks good. I think I had most of those types of pages in Leah's album. Just don't treat them like rules, of course...if a page doesn't work, you can always consolidate or spread it out. What's important is that you feel at peace with those photos.

JJ and EJ said...

I feel like saying, "Ooohhmmmmm... ooohhhmmmmmm..." : )