Friday, July 3, 2009

Ssssso Sssssslimy

We went to the Dakota Zoo last weekend with my brother WJK and his girlfriend, SH. We had a blast and it was great to spend some time with them. For her very first visit to any zoo, MVJ slept the whole time! Our first stop was the reptile area, and I just cannot shake the willies I get from thinking about snakes. I canNOT stand snakes. I know it is a girly girl thing, but I am totally that girl who jumps on the nearest thing off the ground (i.e. a picnic table, chair, JJ...) when I see a snake slithering through the grass. Ewwww... just thinking about it gives me the creepy crawlies. So, while we were walking about, SH tells this story, that I cannot get out of my head. Her friend had a pet python, who she used to sleep with. OK. Hold the phone. She a) has a pet python and b) she SLEEPS with it?!? We could not be friends. Moving on, she says that the python started acting strange and at night it would streeeetch out and then relax back down, streeeetch out, and then relax back down several times a night. Finally her friend called the vet who said to get rid of the snake immediately. It was checking to see if it was big enough to EAT HER. CREEEEEEPY.


Anonymous said...


~Jill :)

Steph said...

That is the most horrifying thing I've ever heard. So sick! Who would want a snake for a pet anyway....and sleep with it? Yikes!!

JJ and EJ said...