Monday, July 27, 2009

Random Bystanders

While on walks with MVJ, the most interesting things that happen are generally seeing a family of ducks or walking by someone we recognize. But, last night we were witnesses to a strange driving occurrence! We were walking down University when all of a sudden this big van (a painting van no less) does a wild u-turn across a median, and then goes back over the median again so that he is driving against traffic! Two cars, thank goodness they were paying attention, careen to the side to avoid him as he crazily heads back to his right side of the road, almost running into a car travelling on that side. It was insane! JJ and I just stopped and stared for the brief time it took for the whole scene to play out. For some reason I thought the guy's brakes must have gone out, but that was certainly not the case. JJ said the guy was lighting a cigarette as he did the u-turn and just lost control. In any case, it was weird to say the least!

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