Monday, August 4, 2008

Totally drained...

After my full day of work (ok, I did take a quick snooze during lunch), RJ (JJ's mom) and I are tiiiired. JJ and the rest of the crew seem to be taking a day of hard work in stride. Here is what we did today:

*Loaded the truck with JJ... or more like sat in the truck and solved the world's problems while he tries out the texture machine he will be using and loads the truck... to work on the photo studio in town
*Got to photo studio and the lady is there shooting (? snapping?) a family photo session - she tells us she'll need at least another half of an hour
*RJ remembers that CJ (JJ's dad) told her to mow the boys' lawn (lawn is used quite optimistically here -- more like weeds), so we head back to the house to load the mower and weed wacker -- RJ's sister NS is at the house doing her laundry and we chat for a bit
*We get to the apartment, which CJ and RJ own, and find out there is no string in the weed wacker -- RJ runs to the local hardware store
*I mow, JJ weed wacks and RJ pulls up weeds -- we find a few things burried under the weeds, such as a rake
*We empty the clippings and head back to the photo studio
*At the photo studio, JJ gets to work patching over the sheetrocking, while RJ and I move all of our equipment to the room we are working on
*We go home for lunch. Naps for RJ and I. JJ works on the house -- putting up styrofoam-like stuff for the dryvit base
*We go back to the photo studio, where JJ textures and RJ and I solve more of the world's problems while we put up plastic and drop cloths and open up a tv box to use as a shield
*Grocery and heavy-duty staple shopping while JJ cleans the equipment
*Home again, home again where I convince RJ to make "Russian Poofs" -- ground meat, onions and cheese inside a bread dough casing that is baked. mmm mmm delicious!
*Some emails, some blogs, and lots of sitting on the couch with my feet up!

Allll in a day's work for J Painting and crew! More to come tomorrow!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Oh man, I'm just dying to be in on that world-crisis-solving counsel!

Of course, I think sometimes my "solutions" are part of the problem...:)

I am not nearly as productive when out at the J Ranch - in fact, I'm debating if I want to bring scrapbooking with or just my laptop & organize photos...and a book, of course. Kids? What kids?