Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's been too long

Yikes! It's been awhile! I have had much to blog about, but if I write it all in this one blog, I know you will skim through or skip most of it, so I'll break it up. You have to hang on my every detail, don't you see?

So, let's start with an overview recap of this weekend. We went south a bit to visit JJ's bro AJ and SIL LJ. We always enjoy us some AJ/LJ time, and of course the LJ2 and BJ time. AJ/LJ's kids are so cute and such sweeties (most of the time... c'mon they're 4 and 2, we can't have perfect expectations for them!). JJ and AJ got in a round of golf, we played some wii, went for a bike ride, and even hit up KM's bridal shower (pampered chef -- with a delicous meal and absolutely perfect cupcakes -- thanks CM!). The main reason we were in town was for the wedding of JN (now JE) and RE. It was so. much. fun. But, that is a different post.

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