Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Here is a big update for my faithful viewers. I, Mrs. EJ, am preggers. That's right folks. My egg-o is preggo. We are due March 7 according to my doc and are thrilled to say the least. I'm sure not everyone wants to hear all the details, but we did go back and forth about when would be a good time to start trying. We decided there is no perfect time and if we wait for a perfect time we'll be waiting forever. So, here we are! We had our first appointment yesterday and everything went well. We even got to listen to the heartbeat! For like 2 seconds. Then, baby J (or Mini Danger J as my friend NW coined our babe -- "Danger is my middle name. No really. It is!") drifted safely behind my heartbeat and... other tummy noises. At a few points it sounded like there was a baby monster in there! JJ keeps joking that I'm having kitties, so I guess at least we didn't hear any meows. So there you have it. The big secret that has been SO so hard to keep! Feel free to send any advice. We might not take it, but we'll be glad to hear it!

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