Friday, April 15, 2011

THOSE parents

Conversation as JJ headed out the door:

JJ: Remember to make an appointment for C.  Ugh, we're going to be those parents.
EJ: What parents?
JJ: The ones that go to the doctor for every little thing.
EJ: Oh, those parents.  Well, my parents took us to the doctor a fair amount, and we turned out ok.  (snicker) Well, at least half of us did!
JJ: Honey, you turned out ok too!

THANKS sweetie!

So why are we going to be those parents?  I just made an appointment for C... well... because he is the loudest darn sleeper known to man.  Or to us anyways.  Trust us - we even took a video for posterity (and the doctor).  Well, he's not quite as loud as Uncle CPJ or my Dad... but that's the problem: he actually sounds like an adult with sleep apnea (which both of those relatives happen to have).  No snoring for baby C, but just about everything else.  The wheezing and grunting and just overall all around noisiness.  And it has to stop because a) I need to sleep between feedings and b) JJ needs to sleep a lot because he doesn't get nap time like I do!

Update: M has been sleeping through the night again like a champ and usually taking a two hour nap!  Woot woot!  PRAISE THE LORD!

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