Saturday, April 9, 2011

M's Vocabulary

Our little M is just a talking (and singing) machine!!  She picks up on new words ALL the time (some we're not SO proud of her knowing...).  When my Mom was here taking care of her, I chuckled to myself as I typed out some "helpful hints" so that she could keep M's routine as similar as possible to "normal".  Here're a few of my current favorite M-isms:

*Get the ponies out = brush teeth (M has My Little Pony toothpaste!)

*Put a Mickey on my bottom = bedtime diaper (daytime ones are monkeys, nighttime ones are mickeys!) -- hopefully this one fades out soon!

*Yum-yum = vitamin --- I may regret that term later but M does loooove to take her yum-yum every morning and says, "Just ooooone" because she has obviously been reminded of that often!

*Muffcakies = cupcakes or muffins --- a combo of both! -- a must-know term since M "bakes" muffcakies and tea multiple times daily!

*Hold you = hold me --- I must've said, "Can Mommy hold you?" or something too often because when she wants to be held, she says "hold you"

*Nilkies = milk --- we have probably too many conversations about nilkies lately because M observes C eating nilkies quite often.

*(insert name)'s here = seems to be M's self-comforting strategy when she's worried.  She will often say, "Mommy's here."  When I was in the hospital, my Mom said that she would be playing just fine and stop, pause, and say, "Grandma's here.  Grandma's here."  One precious time, C was crying during a diaper change from Grandma, and M ran up to them both and cooed to C, "Grandma's here."

1 comment:

Lyz said...

I cannot wait to hear it myself, what a sweetie pie!