Friday, April 8, 2011

Diapering Debacle

I was chatting with a friend who had just had her second baby -- a beautiful little girl -- when she made the comment that she was "finally getting used to changing newborn diapers."  I replied something like, "Oh good!" but in my head I was thinking, "How can you forget how to change a diaper??"  Oh yeah, you forget. 

First of all, newborns need to be changed ALL THE TIME it feels like (I don't think I have to tell you that that's ROUND THE CLOCK all the time).  Especially since M is so on the verge of being done with diapers, there is huge difference between the number of changes for Baby C vs. her.  And it seems that C's biggest joy in life is to fill his pants as soon as he has a new diaper on.  He's fancy like that. 

And with this new little mister we had the whole circumcision to contend with.  Poor little guy!  I'm NOT sad we had him circ'd, and instead, am very glad we had it done right away.  But dude, that looked so sore!  With that, the changing process got a few extra steps, too.  *If you're going to have a baby boy, stock up on gauze and petroleum jelly --- my Mom had to make an emergency run on the way to picking C and I up from the hospital so that we were ready to go!  

Then there's the whole uncontrolled peeing/pooping.  I remember getting peed on, ok, and let's be honest pooped on too (she WAS the poopetrator after all) frequently in the beginning with M.  And now, with this new little man, when HE pees, he can actually make direct hits!  We've had to heroically protect M from the stream more than once!  I *think* I'm almost to the point of "remembering how to change newborn diapers", but it took me a full three weeks!   

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