Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How did we do without??

My mom spent time with us after both kiddos were born and we were talking the other day about the modern conveniences we now have with CEJ that we didn't have with MVJ.  It makes me shudder just a little bit to think of our old apartment.  Ugh.  We were so crammed in there and the paneling!  OH the humanity!  Let's see, we didn't have a dishwasher (unless you count the hottie housekeeper/live-in daycare man I hired for the year --- AKA JJ if you're still wondering! hehe).  We didn't have laundry in our apartment - we had to lug it up one floor and THEN pay for it.  (That's almost as fun as paying to take those really important tests.  You mean I have to torture myself through this AND pay you that much money??!)  We only had two bedrooms... we didn't have a garbage disposal or even a sprayer on the sink.  The biggies with a baby were the laundry and dishwasher.  I honestly can't think about two kids minus those two things.

What will we "need" next time around?  Well... since I'm making a wishlist, I would certainly have a garage tacked on there as well as garbage curbside - none of this taking our garbage to the dump.  While having the mail right outside our door would be nice, the walks to the mailbox have been priceless for us this year and I would be sad to see them go.   

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