Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tag... you might be it!

Here are the rules for playing.......the rules of tagging if you are inclined to following rules
{if rule following is not your bag, do as you please, but heed the warning: the next time i am at your house i will dip my finger into your peanut butter jar. it will be awkward for all of us.}

1. link (there ya go Lyz) to the person that tagged you.
2. post the {very important} rules on your blog.
3. list 6 very unimportant, random nothings about yourself {should be an easy one}

1. I am the oldest of two and my husband is the youngest of nine. I love how unique and different our family experiences and get togethers are.

2. My first job was working on race cars and I played hockey but I am a super girly girl who loves shopping and crafting. Go figure!

3. I first went to college to be a pediatrician. My husband first went to college as a slacker. I left with a special ed. master's and my husband will be a surgeon in.... a while...

4. The sand volleyball team we've been on almost all of the years we've lived here is named "Team Sunshine" (JJ hates it). We started a new team (and are still on the old one as well) but our new one is "Partly Cloudy". : )

5. I am terrible at telling stories. My staff at the college I worked at as a hall director even came up with "the basket". If stories were put in the basket, they could not come out again. For example, we were doing a friendly competition and I wanted to friendly taunt the other team. In the end it came out something like "You might as well not wear pants at all because we're going to kick them off of you. You know. Kick the pants off of you." We made shirts for the competition to commererate my babbling. I have trouble because it's not always appropriate to wear. On the front it says, "Leave your pants at home."

6. My all time favorite chore is laundry. Seriously. I just finished six loads (can you tell we live in an apartment).

Oops, looking back some of these things are important to me. I guess I'm not quite the rule follower after all. Lyz -- you wouldn't like my peanut butter anyways -- I dispise chunky pb! : )

Ok, your turn!!
Pastor Paul
big C

1 comment:

. said...

ha! i think that ex-pants taunt strikes well. i'm totally stealing it.