Sunday, April 20, 2008

Indian Experiences

CA, the friend whose wedding both JJ and I will be in this summer, is marrying JP, who happens to be from India. We have been thoroughly enjoying some new Indian experiences through JP. For example, Bollywood videos are awesome! I just love the bright colors, predictable story lines and of course the songs and dancing! I consider myself quite a good Hindi dancer (ha! Notice how I said "I" because really it is only me who feels this way!). We have also been enjoying the fabulous Indian dishes. I have quite the Norwegian taste buds (which JJ would say is another way to say I like bland and dull food, but have definitely found some things I enjoy within the realm of Indian food. Naan for example is absolutely delicious! JJ has taken to making tandoori chicken on the grill -- yum-o.

So, the funny story that was the reason for this post:
The other night we went to Applebee's to celebrate JP completing his final OPR on his way to getting his doctorate in organic chemistry. On the way home, a driver buzzed through a red light in front of CA as she was about to turn. She yelled, "Foreigner!" which totally cracked JJ and I up.

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