Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Life of a blogger...

Now that I am addicted to reading blogs and updating my blogs, I seem to scrutinize everyday situations for blog-worthy information. I mostly love funny stories or occurrences. I wish I had a better memory! I don't know how many times I've overheard something funny a kid has said or had something silly happen to me that I think "Oh! That'll be perfect for a blog post!" I think I need to keep a writer's notebook like I did when we had to for my elementary method Reading and Writing ("TEAM") class.

Here are two recent ones that I can still remember:

*We have triplet boys at our school - I've had one each quarter for the last three quarters in class. The B's are great kiddos. They are also excelling in track. Today, all three boys came walking shyly over to us coaches about 30 minutes before the end of practice. They said they had to leave early. We asked what was going on to determine if it was excused or not. They said they had to get their hair cut. It was pretty funny and the other coaches gave them a bit of crap for it. We also insisted they didn't all get the same cut as two of them are almost identical. : ) We have to be able to tell them apart!

*My friend TA and her hubby MF were up for the weekend (cancelled bike race) and were in the kitchen having a little sorta newlywed (I can say this as an almost four and a half year veteran) argument. MF said, "Oh come on." to which TA retorted "Don't come on me." ooops. heehee I probably wouldn't've noticed if TA hadn't burst out laughing and restated her funny comment!

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