Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I'm not atheltic per se...

... but of course I signed up for the staff vs. students basketball game. Last year I got a basket and was thrilled! Last year I also accidentally passed the ball to the ref. (a fellow colleague, c'mon, easy mistake!). This year... this year - no basket (but I don't think I attempted nearly as many this year either) - and an embarrassing pass to a kid on the other team. Boo! But, I had a wonderful time and the kids really really have a blast, so it's worth it. We had some guys on our team that were really good -- think college-age bball coaches. Towards the end of the game, I found myself out on the court with the kids' all star line and these good "adults". I called to one of the good players on our team, "You should be out here. Why am I out here with all these people who can dribble?!" Yes, that quote kind of summed up my game. : )

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Oh too funny. Good for you! I played on the staff team in our school's floor hockey league, and the kids loved it. Anytime they can see an adult NOT be perfect - it's a great time for them.

And good quote, too. That's how felt the whole ONE SEASON I played BB - in 9th grade.