Saturday, August 2, 2014

Month one. Check.

JJ just finished up his first month of Residency.  P.T.L.  We knew the first week would be the worst.  The first month would be the hardest.  The first year is the toughest.  We knew that.  But it didn't make getting through them super easy.  JJ worked long, long hours and long, long weeks with little time  off while dealing with some difficult cases.  But he survived.  And we survived.  Actually, I spent a lot of time feeling guilty for all the fun we were having.  We carried on and were busy while he worked and worked away.  He even missed a big wedding and spending time with most of his family.  But, really, he enjoyed his month too.  He got more familiar with the processes (and paperwork) of the hospital.  He wouldn't tell anyone this, but he got a lot of positive feedback from patients, attendings, and colleagues.  I am so proud of my husband! 

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