Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Confessions of a One-Upper

Ugh.  I was that guy.  I was the one upper the other night.  We had some sweet friends over and I found myself topping their stories.  I caught myself a few times and tried to remedy the situation, but it kept happening.  JJ even noticed and we chatted about it later that evening.  I mean, I can be totally honest and say that I am a competitive person.  I think a little competition is healthy, but I know I was on the side of rude.  It was like, Oh honey, you have THE WORST travel story?  Your kid threw up AFTER he was out of his carseat and you were BOTH there to clean up the mess??!  Let me tell YOU a few travel stories...!  I even dragged poor JJ down with me when the gal thought she won with longest shift the next day, but really, who would want to go up against someone in residency?   She kind of had that one coming, right?  :)   I think we did have a pleasant evening, especially when the conversation steered away from me trying to outdo everyone else!  Yikes.   

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