Wednesday, November 3, 2010

RAVE!: Best baby book!

I definitely have some rants running around in my head, but would way rather share this fantabulous book with you!  My SIL LJ introduced me to this book and I had talked myself into perusing it when we got there for Thanksgiving.  It's just that... well... I became impatient and also decided this is probably not our last baby and so of course we'll need the book for our subsequent pregnancies, right?  Right.

This is the very best baby book I've ever flipped through.  It's like an actual book - not just a list of names.  There are many awesome features, but I think my favorite one is the name genres in the back.  I can say without a doubt that we will probably never choose a name from the "Country and Western" section.  Beau?  Rowdy?  Tex?  Yeah, just probably NOT happening.  M's name was in the "Antique Charm" section and... what can I say?  I just love those names.  Another cool feature of the book is the way it shows a name's trend.  Not only does it tell you it's ranking, but also the year it reached it's highest ranking and a quick graph of the name's popularity from the 1880s to present.  Just one more cool thing about it and I'm done with my blog-infomercial!  While I don't hang my hat on this feature, it is just cool to see: it also gives brother and sister names that would pair well with each name. 

Naming is such an important process.  Will we have a pattern with our names?  All Ms?  All Antiques?  All with cutesy nicknames?  We are sure that the middle name will always carry a namesake.  I'm trying really hard to not commit until we find out if our peanut is a girl peanut or a boy peanut... trying... : )

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