Friday, November 5, 2010

It's a BOY peanut!

We are so excited to announce that we are having a BOY! 

Of course I can't just have a quick announcement.  I HAVE to tell you the whole story!  : )  I would include pics this time but our printer/scanner is acting up.  AND JJ is taking some pics with him to school today.  I'm not kidding when I say we have THIRTEEN pics to choose from!  Our ultrasound tech was AWESOME.  When I said I was a scrapbooker she made sure to take extra I think.  The feet ones are just too perfect - I commented that we'd be making that part of our Christmas card, so she quickly shot another one through and took off the word feet.  Besides being so accommodating to my photo "needs" she was (in JJ's words) flippin' good at it too. 

BUT my story doesn't actually start at the ultrasound tech.  Oh no.  I had to get there first.  And we have a temperamental Gar-Gar.  I knew "about" where I needed to go.  Oh - I should insert that my doctor works Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays if you might remember, BUT on Thursdays she works in a different suburb.  So, like I said I had an idea of where to go, but then of course I ran into road construction and Gar was NOT workin' with me.  I missed one exit.  Boo, so I knew I'd have a little bit of backtracking.  Then I could see the Medical Center on my right and knew I was getting close.  I got off and assumed I'd be going right.  Oh no, Gar wanted me to go left.  Being ever trusting, I took a left and sure enough, there I was on a frontage road.  Perfect!  (Also, at this point I was about bursting at the seams with pee - they tell me to drink X oz of water?  I double it!  I want a PERFECT opportunity to see this baby!) 

I quickly pulled into the parking lot, and about peed my pants.  I wasn't in the right parking lot but was right next to the building so I traipsed around the building and ran inside.  No JJ... and... my doc's name is nowhere.  I broke a cardinal rule and used the restroom.  I was flustered and the potty situation was NOT helping.  I called JJ, and he said he WAS in the waiting room so I looked around the building.  It was a Women's Clinic... but not MY women's clinic.  Also when I told JJ the Medical Center was across the interstate he assured me that I was at the wrong place.  I backtracked, got on the CORRECT frontage road and pulled up quickly.  JJ already had filled out my paperwork and we were off to the ultrasound room.  A no-appointment had jumped in front of us so we waited (but for not very long).  The ultrasound tech. apologized up and down but we explained that I had been running late so it really was not that big of a deal.

THE BABY.  OH!  Our first glimpse of our tiny miracle was "the baby" (we didn't know it was a boy at that point) all doubled over playing with "his/her" feet.  It was PRECIOUS.  Then she asked what we thought (after establishing that we WANTED to know).  I said boy right away and JJ agreed.  I mean I don't want to be so... cavalier... but seriously baby boy parts are hard to miss.  Ok?  Ok.  I turned to JJ and said, "What are we going to do with a boy?"  The UT said, "OH!  Boys are much easier!!"  : )   

He was an active little thing - we even saw him with the hiccups!  He stretched and curled up.  He put his hands in front of his face when she was trying to get a face pic.  He put his hand out to look almost as if he was waving.  It was way too amazing.  Too amazing.

Then, I started dancing.  I had to go to the bathroom SO bad.  I had admitted that I had cheated with using the restroom at the other clinic so JJ found it hard to believe I still had to go.  I assured the UT that I wanted as much face time with my baby and would be ok.  She said she was almost done anyways and went it to take a pic of the placenta and all that jazz.  THEN, then she saw my bladder.  I'm not too proud of this fact: I had the fullest bladder she'd ever seen.  She told me that the measurements of the placenta and all that would be off because of the fullness of the bladder so she kindly asked me to relieve myself and I kindly accepted her directive.  I'm pretty sure I ran out of the room with the goo-towel still on my tummy.

After that she noted that my placenta WAS still measuring a little low and far away from whatever it is it should be closer to (JJ already left for school so my anatomy resource has left the building).  Darn.  At my next appointment they have to do another ultrasound.  WELL... I guess if we HAVE to check out that beautiful baby again... I GUESS we can!  ; )

Everything else went well.  And now... to prepare for a BOY!  I'm already planning on going through at least the newborn-3 month bin this weekend... and of course a little shopping is in store!  I think we already know the name...  But, when we were trying it out in the doctor's office, JJ announced that the name might be "too cool" for us.  I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I'm thinking we better keep trying it out to make sure it's "the one"!       


jillg said...

YAY!!! I'm so excited for you and J! So much fun planning for blue!

Lyz said...

Um, don't buy too much. Please go through my boxes first! The seasons should be about right!
