Thursday, February 25, 2010


We officially have a toddler. She toddles around - not TOO many steps on her own, but she zips around taking a hand from Mommy here, the coffee table there, a toy here, Daddy's hand there - you get the point!

She has also become a picky eater. She will LOVE something one day and turn her nose up at it the next. We thought pasta pickups were the bomb a little while ago- now she picks them apart and plays with them, never putting them in her mouth. We *think* she loves oatmeal, grapefruit, toast with a little raspberry jelly, water (she now knows what it is -- ask "Where's your water?" and she'll get her sippy cup.), and sweet potatoes (especially when dipped in ketchup!). What a goofball!

She had her 12-month shots last week and I think the effects have officially worn off. Today she was a Cheeseball with a capital C!

She loves to be scared it seems. Goofball - she loves it when we jump out of nowhere with a "Boo!" or "Rawr" at her. When Daddy turns towards her quickly and "scares" her, she practically dives from where ever she is with fits of giggles.

She is still a good sleeper (usually about 7:!5pm-7:00am), but lately she's wanted to take a milk break at about 5:30. Then she zonks back out.

I'm trying to start weening her. It's tough for both of us. Maybe me more than her. I have trouble saying no!

She's a smiley, happy girl who loves her Mommy and Daddy very much. We love her even more!!

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