Friday, February 26, 2010

Movie Night. . . : S

JJ and I have a netflix account and while I don't think anyone's ever accused JJ of being frugal, he definitely wants to get his money out of this endeavor. As soon as he gets a new movie, TV show, documentary, or whathaveyou, JJ wants to watch it. Now. He doesn't really appreciate when I add my own personal selections to the queue and then don't have time to watch it THIS SECOND buster.

The other night he had a movie picked out and decided we should have a movie night. In the evenings we usually do our own things - sort of reminiscent of young children's parallel play. Anywho, I thought it was pretty thoughtful of him to want to spend time with me so I plopped down next to him on the couch, expecting one of my selections to be on the docket since that's usually when he wants a quick movie night. He revealed the movie for the night - "Law Abiding Citizen" - with that guy from 300 and Jamie Foxx.

Ok. If you want a nice peaceful movie, this is NOT it. There were SEVERAL points in the movie when JJ covered my eyes and said, "DON'T look!" He knows how much of a chicken I am -- and the kind of weird nightmares that will follow. I mean, this one time a week or so ago I answered the phone and this groggly, raspy voice said, "Wrong number." I woke up in a sweat thinking about it at 4 am that very night.


Lyz said...

I second this entire post. MY Mr. J is nearly as compulsive with his Netflix viewing. Instead of arranging our movies around our lives, we usually end up arranging our lives around our movies.

Heaven forbid I put one on the list that he has no interest in... The Queen and Dreamgirls I ended up watching on the laptop while scrapbooking.

Tara said...

I read this post and it could have been one of mine! Rick is obsessed with his netflix and they can't sit at the house for more then one day...and we just watched Law Abiding Citizen! I thought the same thing, it was gross! When he was chopping the guys legs off I thought I wouldn't make it through the movie! I had to turn my head and Rick had to tell me when it was over :)

JJ and EJ said...

Maybe JJ and I aren't so weird afterall! : ) That is the EXACT part I was referring to TH! And then when the judge answered her phone... ewww! And you KNEW something was going to happen with the execution... YUCK! : )