Saturday, February 14, 2009

THE BIG BIRTH STORY! - Part 1: Leading up to the Hospital

I have been meaning to sit down and write my "story" for some time now. Warning: this will be a lengthy post! This is a huge catharsis for me. I need to write it down and start processing! Feel free to skim! : )

So I had been sick for over a week now and just wasn't feeling 100% when I woke up, but not as bad as previous days. The weather was also very yucky -- lots of ice and dangerous road conditions. JJ and I decided it would be good if I stayed home for a bit to settle my stomach and give the roads time to get a bit cleared off. While at home, I started addressing thank-you notes and also called to see if I could get in to see my doctor earlier than my Wednesday appointment (my regular 36 week appointment). No dice on the appointment, so I went in to work around 9:30ish.

At work, I got settled in from being gone for the better part of the last week. We had team time (period 2 all teachers on our team meet to collaborate, schedule, organize, discuss student progress and concerns, etc.), and I just felt very uncomfortable. There happen to be two other pregnant ladies on my team and they said it was normal in the 9th month. They said walking around helped. So I started walking. It just didn't seem to help the burning. The teachers I would be in class with the next few periods said to just take it easy and get caught up in my room. They said they could handle things without me since I was feeling rough still. I should note here that the teachers I teach with are amazing. Our resident teacher, LH, especially has been a life-saver with just jumping right in to help in any way she can. I *hope* she can stick around our building as a sp.ed. teacher next year!

I went back to my room and called and confirmed an IEP I had scheduled for the next day and helped modify a math test our kiddos were getting the next day. I started writing an email to my principal about the things we had coming up that week since I had felt so unorganized from being gone the past week. In the middle of the email I felt sick. LH looked at me concerned as I headed out the door rather quickly. I got sick and called JJ to see if he could pick me up. I was worried about making it home with my tummy and the roads. As I waited in the office, I told my principal about just taking my anti-naseau medicine and everything. She sent me off with well-wishes to get better soon.

TB dropped JJ off (so kind of him!) so we would have our van with us at home. On the way home I got sick again and JJ said enough is enough. He was ready to take me right to the hospital. I said the hospital wouldn't have my records or anything, so we decided to try to get in at the clinic with ANYONE ASAP. The earliest appointment they had was 3:00, so JJ got me settled in at home. He started his job at Pracs (Cetero Research) as a phleb. at 3:00 so he got some homework done and cleaned up while I slept. I woke up at about 2:45 surprised I had clonked out so hard, ate a few noodles from the chicken noodle soup JJ made me, and drove to the clinic (about four blocks from our apt.).

Once there, they saw I was having a tough time and got me into a room right away (with a puke bag). I told them I had to go to the bathroom (I figured I'd have to pee in a cup anyways and wanted to get that over with). They said they didn't need any urine. A nurse took my vitals and then the doctor (a resident) came in. He was AWESOME. Definitely better than the guy I had the week before. He also said that with pregnant women who are having trouble, he always checks with a faculty member. The faculty person told him to get labs done right away, so they first took a CBC (complete blood count) and then hooked me up with a bag of saline to counteract the dehydration they thought it all stemmed from. The nurse commented that I was bleeding a lot when she stuck me.

The doctor came in. I will never forget this conversation. He leaned a bit uncomfortably against a wall while I layed (a bit in the fetal position) with the saline in my arm. He said, "Um... it looks like you're going to be delivering this baby early." In my head: A week or two early?? "Yeah, it looks like they may want to do a c-section tomorrow." TOMORROW?! "You should call your husband. The hospital is ready for you and will take over from here." What?! Hospital?! Today? He went on to tell me he suspected I had HELLP syndrome and that it affects the liver. He said my platelets were at 41,000 (that number didn't mean a whole lot to me, but "normal" is about 150,000) and I think my hemoglobin was around 8.5. My hemoglobin is always a bit low, so I wasn't too concerned.

JJ had just completed his very first hour of work when I called his cellphone. I knew he wouldn't answer, but thought I'd try. Next I called our upstairs neighbor, TB, because he also works at Cetero and thought he might know how to get ahold of JJ. He didn't answer so I called BB and quickly explained things to her. It was so crazy that she had diagnosed me a week ago!! When I was so sick, she did some research online and came up with this liver thing that can happen in the last month of pregnancy. She couldn't believe it and asked if I was ok. I was crying at this point and just said that I was emotionally drained and needed to get ahold of JJ. TB was next to her and called the boss at Cetero right away. BB called me back to tell me that JJ would be calling shortly. JJ called and I think I said something like this, "I'" He was shocked to say the least and said he'd call me back. He explained what happened to his boss and came straight to the clinic. They let the rest of the saline run through me, took the needle out, and asked if my husband was there. I said I had no idea, and I heard a nurse yell into the waiting room, "JJ!?" He was right there and she handed him my chart and even the receptionists were saying, "Good luck!" I guess word travels fast!

1 comment:

1 Craaazy Mamma! said...

I had to wait for the full story before I could read the first part.. I'm so glad everything has turned out so well for you three. I heard bits and pieces from LJ but I know how some details just don't fit in the big picture.

It's amazing how the birth experience can create such a strong bond between parents and child. And after all is said and done, every last poke or procedure was worth it. :)

You have an adorable little one! Congratulations!!!