Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Lovie!

My hubbers is the big 2-8 today!

He is the best man ever.  I know God planned for us to be together because I can't imagine us ever being apart.  Some of you may not have ever seen these sides of JJ, and that's OK with me!  : )

Here is EJ's TOP TEN reasons JJ is THE BEST!

#10: He de-spices all of his food for me.  He is the ultimate foodie but foregoes much of his favorites just because I'm such a picky eater.  Oh, and did I mention supper made every night?  For me?  And packs my lunches?  Yeah.... I'm spoiled!

#9: I make lists.  Lots of lists.  JJ checks things off the list.  Many things off the lists.  It's awesome!

#8: JJ listens to all of my worries and frets and complaints and just lets me talk.  He makes me feel better with the gift of quality time and assurance.

#7: He is so thoughtful.  JJ thinks of me and surprises me with little gifts or acts of service (My favorite blueberry desert!  The laundry done before I get home!).  He is so funny.  He can't keep a secret, so I don't ever have to wait for Valentine's Day, my birthday, Christmas, etc.  Whenever he finds something special, he gives it to me right away!  : )

#6: He is so smart and is the best teacher.  JJ has taken time to teach me about all sorts of things from Chemistry topics to tennis.  My favorite thing that JJ has taught me is how to snowboard.  It has been really neat to hit the slopes with him and something I can't wait to do as a family again!

#5: JJ is so calm and easy going.  He is the soothing antidote to my crazy.  For example, when I was giving birth and saying "I can't!  I can't!  (I WANT AN EPIDURAL.)  I can't!"  He was right there, holding my hand, showing me how to breath whispering, "You're doing it.  You're doing it.  You're doing it."

#4: He is a good sport.  JJ plays games with me when I want to play.  He makes food and hosts our friends over.  He plays sand volleyball with me.  He goes on walks, takes family vacations and run errands with me.  JJ enjoys spending time with our families and friends.

#3: JJ is a man of faith and helps me to strengthen my relationship with God too.  My favorite time of the day (besides seeing JJ and MVJ right after work) is right before we fall asleep when we spend time in prayer together.

#2: He is following his dreams so that he can minister to people's needs and so that I can be a stay at home Mommy in the future.

AND NUMBER ONE:  He is the best Daddy in the world.  When I see him with MVJ it seriously makes me tear up every once in a while.  MVJ has the most special gift of all: quality time with her Daddy during the day.  They will have a bond that can't be created any other way.

I love you JJ, you old man, you.  Muuuah!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Technically, I think this was a list of like, 20 things. But it made me tear up.

And I have to say, I love JJ's brother for a lot of the same reasons.:)